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Vind de beste online leraar Italiaans

Leer Italiaans vanuit huis en volg online lessen met onze gekwalificeerde Italiaanse leraren.

Learn Italiaans with the teacher Chiara.

199 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Il mio approccio all'insegnamento si basa sull'interazione, sulla comunicazione autentica e sull'uso pratico della lingua. Credo che sia importante creare un ambiente stimolante in cui gli studenti si sentano a proprio agio nel praticare la lingua e superare le eventuali difficoltà. Cerco di creare un equilibrio tra esercizi guidati e attività interattive che coinvolgano gli studenti in modo attivo. Mi preoccupo molto delle esigenze individuali degli studenti e adatto le lezioni in base alle loro capacità, obiettivi e interessi. Cerco di fornire feedback costruttivi e incoraggiamento costante per favorire il progresso degli studenti.

USD 6.50/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Daniela Matera.

408 lessen

Daniela Matera

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Designer Allow me to express my deep passion for being more than just an instructor; I see myself as a guide on your language-learning journey. I'm here, not just patiently listening and attentively correcting, but also with a profound empathy to make your learning an absolute joy. My experience with languages began outside the borders of Italy, and it has grown into a deep expertise. Now, I'm incredibly eager to share this wealth of knowledge with you, particularly in my cherished Italian language. Join me, and let's embark on this language adventure together!

USD 7.50/proefles
Beschikbaar 07:00 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Giulia Novara.

1,797 lessen

Giulia Novara

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Passionate teacher spreading love for Italian 🇮🇹 and French 🇫🇷 online, top 1% teacher in 2022 👩🏻‍🏫 In teaching, my main focus is the student. Before starting, I always ask what are his goals and needs and, according to his level, I will tailor a programme and single lessons. My lessons are very active, organised and planned to enable the student to become the protagonist of the session. I will always make sure to teach you the skills to speak Italian or French at your own pace. So be relaxed, I am not there to judge you but to help you!👩🏻‍🏫

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Eleonora Rossi.

789 lessen

Eleonora Rossi

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Mi ritengo un'insegnante molto empatica e attenta alle esigenze degli studenti. Capisco bene quali possano essere le difficoltà di studiare una nuova lingua e costruire fin da subito basi solide sentendosi a proprio agio. Sono molto curiosa di conoscervi e di condividere con voi interessi. Possiamo parlare di musica, letteratura, cinema, attualità, viaggi e molte altre cose! I consider myself a very empathetic teacher who cares about all students’ needs. So, I understand very well the difficulties a student can face when he/she/they approaches a new language. speaking. I am looking forward to e-meeting you and share interests. We can talk about music, literature, cinema, news, travels&more!

USD 6.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Chiara - Sos Italian.

3,753 lessen

Chiara - Sos Italian

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Cils and Celi preparation; Structured general Italian lessons; Friendly, supportive and prepared. I've experience in teaching both English and Italian. I've taught children, teenagers and adults in person for a couple of years in both private and public schools. From 2015 I only teach online. I've taught Italian successfully to people of different nationalities Spanish, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, etc, and I know quite well the difficulties you might face when learning Italian, so I'm here to help you overcome them.

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Nina Karazani.

1,905 lessen

Nina Karazani

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Professional Italian Teacher - engaging and enthusiastic person, ready to guide you through ITALIAN! As I moved to Tbilisi, in Georgia, I started to teach Italian in a local school. I was working both with kids, teaching them the very basics of Italian language, as well as senior students. With seniors, on an intermediate/advanced level, I like to supply them texts from Italian literature or journal articles that we can discuss and understand together. Nevertheless, I do also have a wide experience teaching beginners and all the necessary materials for grammar. For me the best way to learn a language is by practicing it without any shame for eventual grammar mistakes. When I teach I always encourage my students to speak as much as they can, with no shame for mistakes!

USD 7.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Ettore.

93 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I love my country and its culture, I can’t wait to share it with you!!! Mi ritengo un insegnante versatile. Le mie lezioni sono adatte a tutti, per principianti o studenti più avanzati. Posso insegnare di tutto, dalle basi della grammatica italiana ai vocaboli, fino ad arrivare a un ottimo livello di conversazione. Come potete vedere dal mio profilo, offro tre tipi di lezioni diverse, ma se avrai richieste particolari, posso organizzare una lezione dedicata a ciò che preferisci! Se vuoi informazioni riguardo alle lezioni che offro, puoi compilare il modulo di contatto sul mio profilo, o scrivermi in chat! A presto!

USD 5.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 18:30 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Stefania.

814 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I have experience teaching Italian to absolute beginner, intermediate, and advanced students (all adults). I'm flexible with the way I teach. I communicate with each student to understand what works for them and integrate their preferences with a proven methodology. I like using videos, movies, pictures, and music. I often create online apps for my students, and they all love them because these online exercises look like games. The more fun you have while learning, the better! Depending on your level and how comfortable you feel, I will use English or Japanese during our lessons. I also work as a professional copywriter and copyeditor, and this year I will publish my first novel! :)

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Paola Milazzo.

676 lessen

Paola Milazzo

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante laureata in L12- italiano come lingua seconda e specializzata in didattica LM39 Mi piace conoscere gente di tutto il mondo e insegnare la mia lingua madre. Durante la carriera universitaria ho seguito materie e sostenuto esami per diventare insegnante di italiano per stranieri, studiando, dunque, una pluralità di approcci e metodi appropriati. Tra questi prediligo l'approccio comunicativo, il quale permette di considerare i vari livelli linguistici e le competenze comunicative concernenti. Sono attenta ai bisogni dei miei studenti, modulando le mie lezioni affinché si sentano a proprio agio e portino a termine i loro obiettivi.

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Marta.

3,186 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Il Master in “Didattica della Lingua Italiana" e Il Master "Insegnamento Lingua Italiana". Sono di madrelinga italiana e parlo inglese da quando ho 3 anni. Posso insegnare sia italiano che inglese a livelli avanzati, i miei orari sono molto flessibili e mi adatterò alle tue necessità! Ho un'ottima esperienza nel fare conversazione e posso aiutarti a prepararti sia per i tuoi esami che le tue interviste di lavoro!

USD 10.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 15:30 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Michela Nazzaruolo.

2,055 lessen

Michela Nazzaruolo

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Teaching is one of my true lifelong passions. After graduating with honors in English and Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Bologna and receiving a CELTA pass A, I have taught for fifteen years to all levels and age groups. I have experienced the public and private school systems in Italy and Mexico, where I taught both language and literature. I am an enthusiastic person and as a teacher I would describe myself as competent, energetic and fun (at least so they say!). I am also very patient and I try to find the right approach for every student, so they can make the most of our classes and feel satisfied with their progress.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Simone.

1,750 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Tutor with over 6 years of teaching experience, 1500 lessons and 210 students on Italki Professional but easygoing teacher. I have the ability to explain well and to put the student at ease. I adapt to the student and I like teaching while having fun.

USD 9.99/proefles
Beschikbaar 12:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Ellen.

476 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

🇨🇿🌟Native Czech speaker from Prague with years of experience🌟🇨🇿 I'm patient and I know how hard it can be to learn a language. I'm currently studying several from different language families so I know the struggle of feeling like you can't just get it right on some days. I'll gladly explain everything to you as many times as you need. People learn at different paces so I always make an individual teaching plan for each student to get the best results possible. Jsem trpělivá a vím, jak těžké může být učit se cizí jazyk. V současné době studuji několik jazyků z různých jazykových rodin, takže znám ten pocit, když se na to občas chcete prostě vykašlat. Ráda Vám všechno vysvětlím tolikrát, kolikrát budete potřebovat.

USD 15.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 15:00 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Fede V..

462 lessen

Fede V.

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Lezioni per tutti i livelli. Preparazione esami ufficiali. Oltre 10 anni di esperienza! Insegno italiano a stranieri da oltre 10 anni. Mi sono laureata in Lettere all'Università di Pisa, in un corso specifico per la didattica dell'italiano a stranieri. Abito in Spagna da molti anni ed insegno a ragazzi, studenti universitari e adulti. Soy profesora de italiano. Soy licenciada en Filología Italiana en la Universidad de Pisa, con un curso específico sobre didáctica del italiano para extranjeros. Vivo en España y llevo más de 10 años dando clases a adolescentes, estudiantes universitarios y adultos. I'm a professional Italian teacher. I've been teaching for 10 years. I graduade from Pisa University and now I live in Spain. I work with teenagers, university students and adults.

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Prof. Danilo Pinali.

678 lessen

Prof. Danilo Pinali

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Ratio of returning students equal to 21.8, one of the highest on Italki, despite only 655 lessons. I’ve taught hundreds of students over the past years and the most important thing I’ve discovered is that we tend to avoid real "learning" by doing exercising which give us an illusion of competence and make us lose a lot of time and as a consequence thereof we tend to get frustrated and soon after we are likely to give up. I think, this is one of the main reasons of our failure in language acquisition. I believe, one of the best remedy to this problem is that the teacher and the student learn together and since real “learning” is tiring, we don’t have much time at our disposal due to the activities of daily living, I developed a method that is effective and efficient at the same time.

USD 30.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Roberto M..

2,037 lessen

Roberto M.

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante Madrelingua Certificato con anni di esperienza! I've been teaching Italian as a foreign language for 6+ years, mostly abroad. I’m very passionate about my job and I keep learning all about it. I have had students from different countries and students of all ages and ability levels. I strongly believe that learning a foreign language shouldn't be boring at all! Trabajo con varios tipos de estudiantes: adolescentes, universitarios que quieren irse de Erasmus o viajar a Italia, y que necesitan sacarse un certificado de idioma, y adultos que quieren profundizar sus conocimientos de la cultura y el idioma de mí pais. Así que, si quieres aprender italiano o mejorar tu nivel y hablas español, genial, probablemente soy tu mejor opción!

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Carolina.

340 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I am a patient teacher who will not rush you. We can program our lessons in line with your requirements. Together we can develop all language skills like writing, speaking, listening and reading.

USD 5.50/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Margherita Cinone.

892 lessen

Margherita Cinone

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Sono una tutor con un approccio molto informale e divertente, cerco sempre di mettere gli studenti a proprio agio e ho sempre un sorriso stampato in volto.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher SIMONA GENTILI!!!.

3,008 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante certificata DILIT e CEDILS con oltre 10 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento *da A2 Ho il Diploma della scuola Dilit IH, il Diploma CEDILS dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia; i crediti universitari per insegnare nella scuola pubblica, sono un esaminatore CELI.... soprattutto sono un'insegnante che riesce ad instaurare un clima rilassato e informale con gli studenti, amichevole, ma professionale.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Martina Gressani.

2,693 lessen

Martina Gressani

id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Italian certified teacher gives lessons that are tailored to your needs and interests I'm a very patient teacher, I always make sure that my students fully get the point at hand before moving onto the next one. I take my time and try to be as clear as possible, using simple language appropriate for the student's level. My students are always welcome to suggest a topic for discussion, whatever they might be most interested in, or a specific grammar rule etc., I do my best to take every request! As you can see, I can speak English so it won't be a problem if you're a beginner! 日本語がちょっとできますから、日本人にも教えられる!英語ができなくても大丈夫~

USD 6.50/proefles
Je laatste betaling wordt gedaan in USD

Veelgestelde vragen over leraren Italiaans

Een online leraar Italiaans is iemand die je zal begeleiden bij het leren van de taal op de best mogelijke manier, door een studiemethode te structureren die bij jou en je behoeften past. Hij of zij begint met het bepalen van je taalniveau en stelt vervolgens het beste leertraject voor dat je naar het gewenste niveau van lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken van de Italiaanse taal zal brengen.

Om de meest geschikte privéleraar Italiaans voor jou te vinden, kun je verschillende methoden gebruiken: van mond-tot-mondreclame tot het zoeken op gespecialiseerde websites, waar je de ervaringen van verschillende docenten kunt vergelijken. Het laatste wordt het meest aanbevolen, omdat je de meningen van verschillende studenten kunt vergelijken en echte – en nuttige – feedback kunt verzamelen om de beste leraar voor jou te kiezen. Onder al deze methoden is italki de beste manier om de meest geschikte leraar Italiaans voor jou te vinden. italki biedt een grote database van online professionals die je in staat stelt om:

– De taal die je liefhebt te leren met maximale flexibiliteit;

– De kosten van je lessen te kiezen;

– Vele leraren te testen voordat je de online leraar vindt die bij jou past;

– De tijden en ritmes van je leertraject te bepalen en te studeren waar en hoe je wilt.

Een online Italiaanse les kan verschillende lengtes hebben. Een les duurt gemiddeld een uur: de standaardtijd die nodig is om met je online leraar Italiaans nieuwe of al verworven concepten te leren en te herhalen. In situaties die een intensievere voorbereiding vereisen, zoals de voorbereiding op taalcertificeringen of een belangrijk examen, kunnen meer lessen nodig zijn – zonder echter ooit de uurgrens te overschrijden. Niet langer, want je geheugen en aandacht zouden eronder kunnen lijden en je zou niets kunnen onthouden.

De beste online cursus Italiaans is op italki: een interactieve en boeiende leermethode die rekening houdt met je tijd- en kosteneisen, en je de online leraar Italiaans biedt die begrijpt welke studiemethode het beste bij jou past.

We kunnen zeggen dat de keuze van de leraar aan wie je je online lessen Italiaans toevertrouwt, het resultaat is van een reeks variabelen: kosten, tijd, gemak en competentie van de Italiaanse leraar die je kiest.

Een online cursus Italiaans kan gemiddeld van 1 euro tot 60 euro per uur kosten, afhankelijk van wat je zoekt en de online Italiaanse leraar aan wie je je toevertrouwt. De kosten kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren: de ervaring van je leraar, de tijd die je aan studie kunt besteden, het niveau dat je wilt bereiken en je beginniveau.

Klaar om Italiaans te leren? Boek vandaag nog een proefles met een van onze deskundige Italiaanse tutors en zet de eerste stap naar vloeiendheid.