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52 lessen
Welcome to Business Japanese and ”Keigo”! ◆I’ve passed the Japanese Language Teaching Examination. ◆I taught Japanese to foreigners living in Japan for a year. The repeat rate is over 90%! ◆I've worked in customer relations for many years in a Japanese company. So, you can learn useful business Japanese!
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資格を持った日本語ネイティブ教師で10年以上の経験があり、日本語能力試験監督員もしています。 I have been teaching Japanese more than 10 years. I’ve been enjoying teaching Japanese. I always try to teach Japanese until you can completely understand. I'm a friendly person. Let's practice REAL Japanese with me.
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AKI / IT業界の日本語
Professional Japanese teacher online I've started teaching Japanese in 2011. Until 2 years ago, I used to teach Japanese on italki as a communication tutor. While my absence, I’ve studied Japanese education at university to get a certificate in teaching Japanese, then I'm back again! My students say I’m friendly and patient. But I can be strict too. At least, my potential students must be able to read and write hiragana and katakana correctly. I will not accept students who... - always rely on romanization. - avoid reading and writing kanji. - don't make effort by themselves. - do not turn up without giving me prior notice. - send me sudden rescheduling requests. Rescheduling is acceptable before 12 hours.
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💡✨\You can enjoy learning Japanese!/💡✨ わたしは 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)える 資格(しかく)が あります。 日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)で 6年(ねん) 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えています。 わたしは N5〜N1まで 教(おし)えることが できます。 教科書(きょうかしょ)📚が たくさん ありますから いろいろな 教科書(きょうかしょ)📚で 勉強が できます。 (e.g.「みんなの日本語(にほんご)」「まるごと」「げんき」「いろどり」「とびら」etc...) ======================= I have Japanese teaching qualifications. I have been teaching Japanese for 6 years at a Japanese language school. I can teach from N5~N1. I have a lot of textbooks📚, so you can study in a variety of textbooks📚. (e.g.「Minna no Nihongo」「Marugoto」「GENKI」「Irodori」「Tobira」etc…) =======================
Certified young Japanese teacher with various experiences 学生時代に、日本語の初級者を教えるボランティア活動を1年間やりました。その後に日本語教師養成講座に通い、日本語初級と中級の教育実習もしながら、インターネットの言語交換サイトで出会った人にオンラインで個別で日本語を教えていました。When I was a student, I volunteered to teach beginners Japanese for a year in my hometown. After that, while taking a Japanese teacher training course and doing teaching practice at the beginner and intermediate levels, I also taught Japanese online one-on-one to people who I met on an internet language exchange site.
2,869 lessen
話し言葉検定1級を取得済み。アナウンサーレベルの日本語スピーキング力です。小さな出版社で編集者をしています。主にアートと物理学、脳科学の書籍を担当しています。 私は2014年から英語学習を始めました。それまでは全くの英語初心者だったので、外国語を学ぶ方の気持ちがよくわかります。 言語学習に興味を持ち、英語学校の広報として働き、いろいろな方の学習方法を見てきました。さまざまタイプの学校や訓練所などの視察をしたりもしました。 私がみてきたたたくさんの学習方法の中から、みなさんに最も効果的な方法をご提供します。 私の性格は明るく、細かいことは気にしません。だれでも新しいことを知らないのは当たり前です。今学んだばかりのことをすぐにやってみてと言われてもできないのが当たり前です。ひとそれぞれペースも違います。 自分らしく、安心してレッスンを受けてください。 全く厳しくありません。進むスピードはあなたに合わせます。 中級から上級レベルの方の場合は、文法の使い方、単語の使い方を少し細かくチェックします。 覚え違いをしていたり、誤った使い方をしている言葉は、レッスンの中で都度修正していきます。 日本語は同じ意味の言葉がたくさんあります。同じ意味でも少しずつ使い方が違うことがあります。 また、ビジネスの場では敬語の他にも使っていい表現と使ってはいけない表現の区別が必要です。普段使わない表現もたくさん出てきます。 話す相手とスムーズに会話ができるようになるために、ぜひレッスンで学んでください。
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I'll be on maternity leave from May 13th~June 28th! I'll be back soon :) I have extensive experience teaching. I've taught English for about ten years and Japanese for three years in a group lessons, one on one and online. I adjust lessons for each of you and your level of Japanese skills. I use some textbooks or an original material that I make and I will send you on each lessons. I will prepare your homework or extra worksheets if you need. I'll lead you and encourage Japanese conversation throughout the lessons. I want my students always be comfortable with me during my lessons so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything anytime.
1,233 lessen
☆〜 Amy sensei ☆〜
🌟 Welcome KIDS & ADULTS 🌟 JLPT 🌟 👩 I know that it’s difficult to learn languages. So I make a promise that you support to provide lesson✨I am flexible and adapt to the student's level and objectives. I will share my knowledge and experience with you and I can teach you easy to understand study methods. ✨ KIDS ARE WELCOME ✨ ・ I arrange textbook and some activities for KIDS!! ・ Textbook fee INCLUDE at the lesson fee.
1,351 lessen
日本語は読めるけど、話すのが苦手な方、日本人に何度も聞き返されて辛い思いをしたことがある方、面接やプレゼンの練習をしたい方、敬語やビジネス会話を覚えたい方、文章の添削をしてほしい方、お待ちしています。 私はビジネスをリタイヤした後、何をしようかと考えていたとき、まず思い浮かんだことは、外国語を学んで海外の人たちと交流をするということでした。しかし、逆に、私が日本語を教えることによって、多くの外国の方が日本語を理解し、日本が好きになってくれることのほうが、私のためにも、日本語を学ぶ皆さんのためにも有意義だと考えて、日本語教師になりました。 When I was thinking about what I would do after retiring from business, the first thing that came to mind was to learn a foreign language and interact with people from other countries. However, I thought that it would be more meaningful for me and for people learning Japanese if I could help many foreigners understand the Japanese language and come to love Japan by teaching it to them.
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JAPANESE Conversation--- for Beginner to intermediate I am a very open-minded person, and I love to meet new people from all over the world. I am ready to share my Japanese skill to people who are greatly interested in our language. I also want to share our culture with you. So, share your culture with me too. たくさんの方に日本文化を知ってもらい、もっと日本を好きになってもらえるクラスにしたいと思います。
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日本語教育能力検定試験 合格、約20年の言語教育経験、YouTubeで日本語を教えています。Passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. 日本では6年くらい英会話スクールで英語を教えていましたが、台湾に来てからは日本語教室で10年ほど、日本語を教えて、今はフリーランスの日本語教師をしています。 我在日本的時候,在英語補習班教過6年的英語,後來辦到台灣,在日語補習班教了10年的日語之後,目前我是free lancer的身份教日語。 When I was in Japan, I was an English teacher, I taught for about 6 years. Afterwards, I moved to Taiwan.
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Siti Nurmaisyah
Professional Indonesia Language Tutor with 28 years experience I graduated from The English Literature and Translation Faculty of The University in Indonesia. I learned Japanese language and Culture for 5 years as well, and have some certificates for Japanese proficiency tests. I've joined the classes, seminars, and workshops many times for several years. I have been teaching Indonesian, and Japanese for 28 years. I have experience teaching students from many countries of various ages, children, teenagers, and adults. I also have experience teaching students in-house training programs.
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Welcome to my class! Let's talking about your favorite topics. I am teaching Japanese to foreigners living in Yokohama. I don't only teach Japanese but also introduce beautiful places where my students can feel the four seasons of Japan and go out together.
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Don't worry! Relax and have fun studying Japanese!✨✨Let me guide your language learning journey🛫 I have experience at a Japanese school and online lessons 🎈 <Student level🗼> Beginner, intermediate or advanced <Class speed🗼> slowly, quickly etc. I provide lessons tailored to each individual. Teaching Japanese is not my purpose. My purpose in teaching Japanese is to make your life more wonderful through Japanese. Because of your improved Japanese, you will be able to understand anime and manga, your trip to Japan will be a lot of fun, and you will be able to go to study abroad! I want you to be able to understand Japanese and make your life even more wonderful! Let's learn Japanese together! !✨✨
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Certified by the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test - Continue teaching Japanese from 2021 I have over 30 years of experience working for a Japanese company, including overseas assignments. I have been offering Japanese lessons at italki since September 2021, after having studied to teach Japanese as a foreign language. Qualifications: Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2021 日本語教育能力検定試験 2021年合格 Certificates: Japan Kanji Aptitude Test Level Pre-1 - Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation - 2024 日本漢字能力検定 (漢検 準1級) 2024年合格 Education: Bachelor of Arts (1993, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Department of British and American Studies in the Faculty of Foreign Studies)
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Experienced teaching business Japanese My major is education and I have a teaching license for English and other subjects.I’ve been teaching Japanese for 2 years on the internet and face to face class. The students are from Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, Britain and Ireland. I have taught Japanese in a company for a Mexican apprentice as well. I would love to use various materials such as songs that you like, publicities for Japanese food, comercial etc. It could be nice for translating some phrases from Kimi no Nawa together.
1,259 lessen
Belle / ベル
TOP1% Japanese teacher in 2022☆彡Be your best Japanese language partner for u :3 日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)している海外(かいがい)の友達(ともだち)を持(も)っていて、英語(えいご)で教(おし)えている経験(けいけん)があります。 また日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)の英語(えいご)は話(はな)せるので、日本語(にほんご)初心者(しょしんしゃ)のひとでも安心(あんしん)してレッスン(れっすん)を受(う)けていただけます。 I have forigners friends who are studying Japanese and have experience teaching it to them in English. Also, I can speak English. so even if you're a beginner of learning Japanese,don't need to hesitate taking my lessons✨
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楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)しましょう! あなたが日本語(にほんご)で伸(の)ばしたいスキルは何(なん)ですか?日本語(にほんご)を通(とお)して実現(じつげん)したいことはありますか?一緒(いっしょ)に学(まな)びながら伸(の)ばしていきましょう。 わたしは小(ちい)さいころ大阪(おおさか)に住(す)んでいたので関西弁(かんさいべん)も教(おし)えることができますよ! What I teach! Whether you are a just beginner or an advanced learner, you won’t be disappointed with my customized lessons. If you are studying for the JLPT exam, I’ve got you covered as well. Tell me your goal and I’ll help you get there! I can teach grammar and vocabulary, writing and listening. If you are looking to boost your speaking ability, we can have a free discussion on a topic of your choice! Also, I used to live in Osaka, so I can teach you Kansai dialect as well. I think it sounds a lot cooler!
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保育士の資格があり、保育園で子供に日本語と英語を教えています。 I teach my friends Japanese for two years and I am a teacher at kindergarten in Japan! I love to communicate with people from different countries and learn their experiences. My friends say I am friendly, honest, responsible, and cheerful. I teach using the Genki book for beginners and have lessons I can show on screen. I also love to sing and was a singer in Japan so if you want to learn a song we can learn together! I teach using the Genki book for beginners and have lessons I can show on screen. TOEIC score : 855 友達に日本語を教えているのと、先生として幼稚園で働いています。 いろんな国の方々とコミュニケーションをとることがとても好きです。 私の性格ですが、友達からはよく、フレンドリー、真面目、責任感がある、いつも元気、と言われます!以前は歌を歌っていたこともあるので、日本語の歌に興味があれば歌を歌いながら楽しく日本語を学ぶこともできます!!
581 lessen
楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)でおしゃべりしましょう!スペイン語と英語が話せます!Let's talk in Japanese. I'm a Japanese native. I can correct grammar mistakes and pronunciation. When I was a student, I often took part in some Japanese language class as a volunteer assistant. And also I did language exchanges when I was a students and I helped correct grammar mistakes of my friends. I really like to talk with people and like to know other cultures. Let's study Japanese and Japan with me! In my lesson, I can teach Japanese in Japanese, English and Spanish.