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Vind de beste online leraar Japans

Leer Japans vanuit huis en volg online lessen met onze gekwalificeerde Japanse leraren.

Learn Japans with the teacher MAMORU MS.

2,050 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

My first priority is students' interests and purposes of taking lessons. I'm here to help you attain your goals no matter what they are. I usually take students from intermediate to advanced level speakers since I'm a community tutor who don't have a structured series of courses with textbooks. For completely beginners and those who are younger than 18, I recommend to consider taking lessons with other professional tutors. My classes will also be good for those who are planning to visit Japan since I can provide lots of useful information of sightseeing spots, cultural perspectives and useful greetings/phrases/words as a traveler. 日本の文化や日本に来たときに役に立つあいさつやフレーズを教えることもできます。

USD 6.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher MIKI MURAKAMI.

374 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

JAPANESE Conversation--- for Beginner to intermediate I am a very open-minded person, and I love to meet new people from all over the world. I am ready to share my Japanese skill to people who are greatly interested in our language. I also want to share our culture with you. So, share your culture with me too. たくさんの方に日本文化を知ってもらい、もっと日本を好きになってもらえるクラスにしたいと思います。

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Chee.

101 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Qualified tutor with experience teaching kids and adults 2020年(ねん)から 日本語を おしえています。こどもと 大学生(だいがくせい)、大人(おとな)に 日本語を おしえた ことが あります。最近(さいきん)は こどもを メインに せいかつの 日本語を おしえていました。 I'm a qualified teacher. I've taught Japanese since 2020. I have experience teaching children, university students, and adults as a private tutor. I mainly taught them Japanese for life in Japan. ・日本語教師養成総合講座420時間修了 ・Completed all requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420hours and above)

USD 14.00/Uur
Beschikbaar 12:30 Vandaag
Learn Japans with the teacher 瑛二(えいじ).

1,179 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

住在上海的日语老师~ 私はプロの講師ではありませんが、大学時代に留学生に日本語を教えていたことがあります。 この経験から、語学が上手になるには、会話が必要ということがわかりました。 また、私自身中国語のを学習しており、中国語を使って会話をすることができます。 我虽然不是专业的讲师。 但是在大学时代以前教过留学生日语。 从这次经验中我明白了。 要想学好外语,对话是必不可少的。 另外,我自己也在学习中文。 可以用中文进行对话

USD 8.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 12:00 Vandaag
Learn Japans with the teacher ひろこ.

626 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

早稲田大学を卒業した後、公務員をしていました。2019年に日本語教育能力検定試験に合格し、日本語教師として日本語を教えています。日本語の他には、上級レベルの韓国語と、基本的な英語を話すことができます。また、ベトナム語も少しできます。みなさんが無理なく日本語学習を続けていけるように、全力でサポートいたします! I graduated from the Faculty of Education of Waseda University. Before I became a Japanese language teacher, I had been a government employee. I passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services in 2019, and teach Japanese as a Japanese language teacher. I can speak not only Japanese, but also Korean(advanced level) ,English(intermediate level), and also can speak a bit of Vietnamese. I will try my best to support you!

USD 13.00/Uur
Learn Japans with the teacher MOMO.

1,624 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

Due to personal matters, I’ll be taking a break for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience. 大学時代(だいがくじだい)、留学中(りゅうがくちゅう)に日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えるサポートをしていました。 日本語(にほんご)初級者(しょきゅうしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)までそれぞれに合(あ)ったスタイルでレッスンをすることを心掛(こころが)けていました。 この経験 (けいけん)は私(わたし)にとってとても自信(じしん)になりました。 I supported students to study Japanese as a volunteer for a year when I studied abroad. I tried to teach in the best way for each student from beginner to advanced. This experience of teaching Japanese gave me confidence!

USD 11.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 11:45 Vandaag
Learn Japans with the teacher Rumi.

271 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Sarò in vacanza dal 26 luglio al 12 agosto. Buone vacanze! I understand the difficulties and joys of learning a foreign language. If you don’t feel confident about your Japanese, don’t worry! I have a lot of patience and I'm always ready to help you. I have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, I also have experience in supporting JLPT examinations. Amo imparare le lingue straniere, e le sto ancora imparando. Per questo, capisco le difficoltà e le gioie dell'apprendimento di una lingua straniera. Se non ti senti sicuro del tuo giapponese, non preoccuparti! Ho molta pazienza e sono pronta ad aiutarti.

USD 8.50/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher RURIKO in Tokyo.

13 lessen

RURIKO in Tokyo

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

beyond expectation I have experience in teaching Japanese to the coworkers from China and India before. I teach not only Japanese language itself but also its culture and value behind. I always go at the student's pace and goals. I can teach from children to adults. The price of the lessons is set at the lowest possible price, and is only available until March 6, 2022.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Etsuko.

785 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)しましょう! あなたが日本語(にほんご)で伸(の)ばしたいスキルは何(なん)ですか?日本語(にほんご)を通(とお)して実現(じつげん)したいことはありますか?一緒(いっしょ)に学(まな)びながら伸(の)ばしていきましょう。 わたしは小(ちい)さいころ大阪(おおさか)に住(す)んでいたので関西弁(かんさいべん)も教(おし)えることができますよ! What I teach! Whether you are a just beginner or an advanced learner, you won’t be disappointed with my customized lessons. If you are studying for the JLPT exam, I’ve got you covered as well. Tell me your goal and I’ll help you get there! I can teach grammar and vocabulary, writing and listening. If you are looking to boost your speaking ability, we can have a free discussion on a topic of your choice! Also, I used to live in Osaka, so I can teach you Kansai dialect as well. I think it sounds a lot cooler!

USD 6.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Fumiko.

1,710 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

標準語と同様に、関西弁も教えられます。 I can teach you Kansai dialect as well as standard Japanese. また、カジュアルな会話から敬語まで教えられます。 Moreover, I can teach you casual conversations to honorific expressions.

USD 6.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 21:45 Vandaag
Learn Japans with the teacher Naoko.

1,467 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

Would you like to be fluent? My lesson is very unique. Find out more. It's fun! I am a very easy going and fun teacher. I am very interested in navigating all of you to be a fluent. Since I am good at speaking in English, I teach English as well. I studied English and Psychology at University of Arkansas at Little Rock while I was working as a full time. When I don't teach, I like to just relax, eating sweets, watching movies, walking at the park, going to the gym, shooting hoops, a listening to the student's violin recital at the Juilliard, some readings, coloring and knitting straight line scurf.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Jun.

6 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

English OK! Friendly tutor from Osaka. 30 years business experience ・Native Japanese! English OK, so don’t worry😁 ・I am patient, so it is okay if you make a lot of mistakes👍 ・Lessons are in a relaxing atmosphere ☺️ ・You can learn natural phrases used by native speakers 🗣️ ・I have experience learning languages online and can provide fun online lessons! ・I have 30 years of business experience and can teach used in real business situations 👩‍💼🇯🇵

USD 9.00/Uur
Learn Japans with the teacher Midori.

1 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

資格を持った日本語教師です。目標を達成するために一緒に楽しく学びましょう。 I have taught Japanese classes in Pakistan. On online, I teach beginner to intermediate levels all over the world.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher 👘Hiro.

869 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

🗻こんにちは! Please check out my blog and you can get to know more about me! 🍣Don’t worry about making mistakes! That’s how we learn languages!

USD 17.00/Uur
Learn Japans with the teacher あかね.

1,285 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

YouTubeチャンネル「あかね的日本語教室」のあかねです。 私は2017年から日本語学校で日本語の先生として働いています。今まで教えた人数は700人以上です。 私は会話を教えるのが好きです。 もしみなさんが日本語を言いまちがえても大丈夫です。緊張したり、心配する必要はありません。あなたが話した日本語を私は自然な言い方に直すことができます。

USD 24.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Yuki.

7,129 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Friendly and patient professional teacher Hello! I obtained my certification as a Japanese teacher in 2009 and taught at a Japanese language school in Melbourne from 2010 to 2016. After returning to Japan in 2016, I started teaching on italki, where I've conducted over 6,800 lessons for more than 300 students. My lessons cover all levels, from beginner to advanced, and are tailored to meet students' needs, including JLPT preparation, travel phrases, and everyday conversation. I use plenty of illustrations and sometimes English to help beginners feel comfortable. I always strive to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning environment with a friendly approach. I look forward to meeting you in our lessons!

USD 15.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Tomoko.

6,309 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

I completed the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course! ★JLPT/conversation//grammar/reading★ わたしは、オンラインで日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えた経験(けいけん)があります。 今(いま)まで、アメリカ・ロシア・ベトナム・中国(ちゅうごく)など、沢山(たくさん)の国(くに)の学生(がくせい)に日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えました。 ★日本語教師養成講座420時間修了済 I have experience teaching Japanese online. So far, I have taught Japanese to students in countries like United States, Russia, Vietnam , China and so on. ★Completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 hours above.) У меня есть опыт преподавания японского онлайн. До сих пор я преподавала японский язык студентом во многих странах ,таких как США, Россия, Вьетнам, Китай. ★Завершены все требования курса подготовки учителей японского языка (420 часов выше).

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Ai(あい).

1,649 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

私は、いままでタンデムパートナーに日本語を教えていた経験があります。italkiでは、3年前から日本語を教えています。 日本の修士課程の学生だったころ、大学生の作文を添削していたこともあります。なので、文章を添削することもできます。 日本語や日本の文化について説明したりディスカッションすることが好きです。 Ich habe bis jetzt mehrere Tandempartner/innen gehabt und habe immer Spaß, über meine Muttersprache und Kultur zu erzählen. Außerdem habe ich schon mal als Tutorin an einer Uni in Japan gearbeitet und Hausarbeiten von Bachelorstudierenden korrigiert.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Michiko.

418 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

Experienced teaching business Japanese My major is education and I have a teaching license for English and other subjects.I’ve been teaching Japanese for 2 years on the internet and face to face class. The students are from Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, Britain and Ireland. I have taught Japanese in a company for a Mexican apprentice as well. I would love to use various materials such as songs that you like, publicities for Japanese food, comercial etc. It could be nice for translating some phrases from Kimi no Nawa together.

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Michiko noboriguchi.

189 lessen

Michiko noboriguchi

id verified
SPEAKS :Japans

I got my Japanese teaching license in June 2021. Because I have already finished the 420 hours Advanced Skills of Teaching Japanese Language Course. Additionally, I have already kept teaching Japanese online since a couple of years ago. I also have taught students who learn social welfare services as I am a social worker for 15 years. Our lesson will require us to speak in Japanese as much as possible. If you need to ask any questions in English, it's ok. But you should try it in our lesson! I really would like to help you improve your Japanese skills. Always welcome your request about our lesson!

USD 5.00/proefles
Je laatste betaling wordt gedaan in USD

Veelgestelde vragen over leraren Japans

Een online leraar Japans is iemand die je zal begeleiden bij het leren van de taal op de best mogelijke manier, door een studiemethode te structureren die bij jou en je behoeften past. Hij of zij begint met het bepalen van je taalniveau en stelt vervolgens het beste leertraject voor dat je naar het gewenste niveau van lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken van de Japanse taal zal brengen.

Om de meest geschikte privéleraar Japans voor jou te vinden, kun je verschillende methoden gebruiken: van mond-tot-mondreclame tot het zoeken op gespecialiseerde websites, waar je de ervaringen van verschillende docenten kunt vergelijken. Het laatste wordt het meest aanbevolen, omdat je de meningen van verschillende studenten kunt vergelijken en echte – en nuttige – feedback kunt verzamelen om de beste leraar voor jou te kiezen. Onder al deze methoden is italki de beste manier om de meest geschikte leraar Japans voor jou te vinden. italki biedt een grote database van online professionals die je in staat stelt om:

– De taal die je liefhebt te leren met maximale flexibiliteit;

– De kosten van je lessen te kiezen;

– Vele leraren te testen voordat je de online leraar vindt die bij jou past;

– De tijden en ritmes van je leertraject te bepalen en te studeren waar en hoe je wilt.

Een online Japanse les kan verschillende lengtes hebben. Een les duurt gemiddeld een uur: de standaardtijd die nodig is om met je online leraar Japans nieuwe of al verworven concepten te leren en te herhalen. In situaties die een intensievere voorbereiding vereisen, zoals de voorbereiding op taalcertificeringen of een belangrijk examen, kunnen meer lessen nodig zijn – zonder echter ooit de uurgrens te overschrijden. Niet langer, want je geheugen en aandacht zouden eronder kunnen lijden en je zou niets kunnen onthouden.

De beste online cursus Japans is op italki: een interactieve en boeiende leermethode die rekening houdt met je tijd- en kosteneisen, en je de online Japanse leraar biedt die begrijpt welke studiemethode het beste bij jou past.

We kunnen zeggen dat de keuze van de leraar aan wie je je online Japanse lessen toevertrouwt, het resultaat is van een reeks variabelen: kosten, tijd, gemak en competentie van de Japanse leraar die je kiest.

Een online Japanse cursus kan gemiddeld van 1 euro tot 60 per uur euro kosten, afhankelijk van wat je zoekt en de online Japanse leraar aan wie je je toevertrouwt. De kosten kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren: de ervaring van je leraar, de tijd die je aan studie kunt besteden, het niveau dat je wilt bereiken en je beginniveau.

Klaar om Japans te leren? Boek vandaag nog een proefles met een van onze deskundige Japanse tutors en zet de eerste stap naar vloeiendheid.