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私は高校時代にニュージーランドに留学し、今は中国に留学中です。 昔から活発で社交的な性格で、異なる文化や背景を持つ人々と交流し、お互いの価値観を共有することが大好きです。 皆さんも、言語を通して様々な文化に触れ、新しい知識を得る喜びをぜひ体験して下さい! 我高中时去过新西兰留学,现在留学中国。我很活泼、外向,喜欢与不同文化和背景的人交往,互相分享对方的价值观。希望大家都能通过日语接触不同的文化,体验获得新知识的快乐! I went to study in New Zealand when I was in high school, and now I’m studying in China. I am a happy and outgoing person and love to interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Lets study Japanese language and experience the cultures and new knowledge!
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Certified, native, experienced, and supportive teacher YUKA Since 2019, I’ve been teaching Japanese both online and in-person, covering everything from everyday conversations to business discussions. My background in HR also allows me to help with formal business communication. I understand how challenging it can be to learn a new language—I’ve experienced it myself with English. That’s why I’m dedicated to supporting and motivating you every step of the way. My students often tell me they enjoy my classes because I’m patient and make learning fun. I focus on active participation and our progress together. Let’s make your Japanese learning journey an enjoyable one!
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初級から上級まであなたのニーズに合った楽しいレッスン! Fun lessons tailored to your needs, from beginner to advanced levels! シドニーで日本語の面白さに出会い、帰国後日本語学校でグループレッスン(日常会話、ビジネス会話、JLPT対策など)を受け持ち、その後米軍基地内のアメリカンスクールで教え、その後フリーランスとなり、約20年企業を回ってビジネスマンを対象にプライベートレッスンを行ってきました。 I discovered the fun of the Japanese language in Sydney. After returning to Japan, I taught group lessons at a Japanese language school (covering daily conversation, business conversation, JLPT preparation, etc.). Following that, I taught at an American school on a U.S. military base. Later, I became a freelancer, and for about 20 years, I have been offering private lessons to business professionals, traveling to various companies.
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Native in English & Indonesian, TEFL Certified, Completed The Japan Foundation Training Program I’ve experiences in teaching English, Indonesian, and Japanese. Because Japanese isn’t my native language, I often find it easier to explain Japanese grammar instead of English or Indonesian grammar. There are times when a foreigner ask me about an English or Indonesian expression or spelling which I had taken for granted. For example: Does “news” mean “many new things” because it ends with an “s”? Why do you say “the news doesn’t sound good” instead of “the news don’t sound good”? Then, I’d have to look up some sources to be able to answer that the word “news” is plural in form but singular in construction. With Japanese, it’s the other way round. I teach from what I’ve learnt myself.
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Tokyo University, scientific method, 3000hours exp./beginner to advanced/grammar & conversation. I am a qualified Japanese teacher with 6 years' experience of teaching all levels in person and online. I have happily helped many people to achieve their dreams in learning language. I love learning and teaching languages to converse with people in the world, Having studied English and other languages intermittently myself, I know how difficult it is to learn a language, so it is a great pleasure to help foreigners learn Japanese. 私は日本語教師の資格を持っており、6年間オンラインと対面式であらゆるレベルの日本語を教えてきました。 これまで多くの方々の語学習得の夢を叶えるお手伝いをしてきました。 世界の人々と会話するために言語を学び、教えることが大好きです、 私自身、英語と他の言語を断続的に勉強した経験があり、言語を学ぶことがいかに難しいか知っています。
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Rika Kato
For beginner to advanced! Let’s have fun together and boost your conversational skills! みなさんが自信(じしん)をもって自分(じぶん)の言葉(ことば)で表現(ひょうげん)できるような、安心(あんしん)できる環境(かんきょう)づくりを心(こころ)がけています。言語(げんご)は楽(たの)しいものであるべきだと考えているので、レッスンは常に生徒さんの目標に合わせたインタラクティブで楽しい内容を提供しています。 My approach is centered around building confidence and creating an encouraging atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing themselves. I believe that learning a language should be both effective and enjoyable, so I always aim to keep the lessons engaging, interactive, and aligned with each student’s personal goals.
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Mayumi K
教育歴19年のプロの日本語教師💛Certified Japanese teacher with 19 years of teaching experience I have been teaching Japanese for about 19 years. I have experience teaching various levels of Japanese, from beginners to advanced students. I opened a private tutoring school aimed at elementary and junior high school students. As a volunteer, I have also helped children with overseas roots learn Japanese. I have extensive experience teaching children. I try to make my Japanese lessons enjoyable as much as possible. 私は日本語を約19年教えています。 初級から上級まで様々なレベルの学習者を教えました。 2018年に個別指導の塾を開塾しました。 対象は小学生と中学生です。 また、海外ルーツの子どもたちにボランティアで日本語を教えた経験があります。 お子さんを教える経験も豊富です。 「楽しい授業」がモットーです。
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✨会話(かいわ)をたくさんしましょう! 間違(まちが)いこそが学(まな)びです✨ 🌈日本語(にほんご)を話(はな)す練習(れんしゅう)をしましょう。 🌈あなたが間違(まちが)ったところと正(ただ)しいもの書(か)シートをレッスンが終(お)わる時(とき)にお渡(わた)しします。復習(ふくしゅう)に使(つか)ってください。 🌈オリジナルのスライドでレッスンをしますが、あなたが興味(きょうみ)のあるものがあれば、そちらを使(つか)います。
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Free talk style lessons focused on "improving speaking" The important thing in learning a language is to continue. I'm the same language learner as you, so I understand how difficult it is to learn a new language. It's very difficult to continue every day, but I think the secret to continuing is to have fun and learn. In the lesson, practice speaking casual Japanese as if you were talking with your friends! I would like to help you enjoy studying Japanese. 言語を学ぶ上で大切なのは「継続すること」です。私もみなさんと同じ言語学習者なので、新しい言語を学ぶ大変さはすごくよく分かります。毎日続けることはとても難しいですが、楽しんで勉強することが継続の秘訣だと思います。 レッスンでは、友達と喋るような感覚でカジュアルな日本語を話す練習をしましょう!あなたが楽しんで日本語を勉強できるようにお手伝いしたいと思います。
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メキシコ在住現役日本語講師。 日本語教師養成講座を終了し、 現在は、メキシコとコロンビアを中心に中南米で日本語を教えています。 パンデミックにより、各学校が閉鎖された為、オンラインでのクラスを始めました。オンラインでの授業経験は2020年からになります。ITALKI は2021年からになります。
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Taka in Japan
Learn honorific verbs and modest verbs | Step-by-step lessons on grammar | Personalized corrections 1. I offer four types of lesson, as shown in the menu. I can modify and improve lessons to meet your expectations and requests. Please let me know what in particular and how you want to learn. 2. During and after lessons, I provide personalized corrections and advice to help you improve your skills more rapidly and efficiently. This individualized feedback is a key part of my teaching approach. 3. My lessons go with the textbooks Minna no Nihongo and Genki. If you use textbooks other than these two, please let me know.Even if you don't have textbooks in the initial stages, you can still start your lessons. I've prepared over 50 sets of PowerPoint slides as tutoring materials.
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Yuta K
アニメ、ぶんか、りょこうのはなしをしましょう! にちじょうかいわをおしえることがとくいです。 アニメやマンガをつかったがくしゅうや、にほんをりょこうするときにつかうフレーズをおしえます。 上級者には、日常会話で便利な言い回しやスラングを教えています。日本文化に沿って、日本人にしか理解できない表現方法も教えています。
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Community Tutor with over 8 years of Experience! I can help you in both English and German :) How to acquire Japanese is different for each person. Since 2013 I've been teaching Japanese online to people all over the world from beginner to advanced. Therefore I can help you to acquire Japanese better and I can also help students of all skill levels by using my experience. Especially as absolute beginners you might be afraid to speak, but don't worry. I'm a very patient and positive person. So my lessons are fun and you can relax. I really enjoy working with students who want to learn and make progress.
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みゆう Miyu
ネイティブのような日本語で会話しましょう!:) Let's talk in Japanese like native speakers! :) 私がitalkiで日本語を教えている理由は、日本に行かなく日本語を話せるようになる喜びを感じてほしいからです。私はオンライン英会話をするまで、外国人を1対1で話す勇気もなく、スピーキングもなかなか上達しませんでした。しかし、オンライン講師と二人三脚でたくさん練習し、自分の意見を自信をもって伝えることができるようになりました。 皆さんの日本語学習の苦労に共感できるところも多いと思います。少しでも楽しく、効率よく学習できるように、一緒に頑張りましょう‼ Why I teach Japanese on italki is because I want everyone to feel happy by being able to speak Japanese without going to Japan. I didn't have the courage to speak to foreigners one-on-one and my speaking didn't improve very much until I tried online English conversation. But after much practice with my online tutors, I am now able to express my opinions with confidence. I can relate to difficulties in learning Japanese. Let's learn Japanese with fun and efficiency!
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From daily life to IT related - I can provide lessons that meet your needs! Don't be afraid to make mistake and let's talk in Japanese actively in my class. If you need, I will teach you more correct Japanese sentence in your time. Please use your precious time effectively. And I love trips around Japan and trips abroad. So if you think about a trip to Japan, I can give you advise.
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Beginner to Proficient welcome! Speaking, Business and Genki textbook. 16yrs biz, 4yrs teaching exp. 日本語の教師の資格を持っています。 日本とオーストラリアで15年以上ビジネスの経験(国際会議、海外出張含む)があります。敬語やビジネス日本語、面接も教えることがができます。 海外で生活している自分の経験から、教科書では習わない日本語学習をサポートします。 帰国子女の方、日本人のパートナーがいる方にも日本語の細かいニュアンスを教えることができます。 I am a qualified teacher of Japanese. I have more than 15 years corporate business experience in Japan and Australia. I can teach keigo (polite), business Japanese and help prepare for job interviews. Based on my own experience of living abroad, I can help you learn Japanese words and native-like phrases in conversation which are not taught in textbooks. I can also teach the nuances of Japanese language to native speakers returning home from oversees and those with Japanese partners. Teaching in English and Japanese.
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拥有在日本和韩国教授汉语经验的资深语言学教师。 我曾经在日本和韩国对团体和个人讲授过汉语。 我一直以为外国学生服务而自豪。 我愿意将我关于语言方面的学识分享给每一位学生,这是我的乐趣。 我拥有得到认证的学历证书,还有汉语资格证书。 毫无疑问,我的汉语是语调标准而发音清晰的。 I have taught Chinese to groups and individuals in Japan and Korea. I am always proud of serving foreign students. I would like to share my knowledge about language with every student, which is my pleasure. I have a certified diploma and a qualification certificate in Chinese. There is no doubt that my Chinese is standard in intonation and clear in pronunciation.
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A friendly and talkative teacher of Russian and Japanese:) I have many students off-line, and we enjoy a conversation class. I want my students to spend a great time while learning, not only to get some new information, but also to release some stress from work and have a lot of of positive emotions. Also what I consider important is to help students learn some new vocabulary during the class, as I think it can be the most difficult part when you struggle with language learning. So I suggest to learn new words and practice them immediately by using those words during the class in different forms.
11.2k lessen
🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚♀️ Storyteller
1,274 lessen
当日でも直接メッセージを送ってもらえればレッスン可能な場合もあるので、お気軽にご連絡くださいね! カジュアルな日常会話からフォーマル・ビジネスで使う日本語まで幅広く対応しています。初対面の人でも、相手の緊張をほぐすのは得意なので、リラックスしてレッスン受けてもらえると嬉しいです。