第7集-班味( flavor of working)-learn Chinese with Lily
第7集-班味( flavor of working)-learn Chinese with Lily
11 dec. 2024 05:07
”班味‌“是指上班族在工作后表现出的一种疲惫、憔悴的状态。具体表现为:‌ ①从外貌来看‌:班味体现在不化妆或很少化妆,眼神疲惫、面容憔悴‌;穿着随意,衣着宽松,缺乏正式或精致的装扮‌;体型也可能会发生变化,如变胖、变瘦等状态。 ②从行为来看‌:下班后仍然保持工作的状态,查看工作邮件、回复工作消息,没精力参加自己感兴趣的活动,和朋友家人聚会时也打开电脑工作,‌甚至在梦中处都谈论工作。‌ ③从‌心理和情绪看‌:班味还体现在心理和情绪上的疲惫,,如因为工作压力失眠、对周边的朋友家人失去耐心,对生活失去热情,对未来的生活没有信心等。 ps:The number of words is limited, so you can check Pinyin yourself. 【En】"班味" (flavor of working) refers to a state of exhaustion and haggardness displayed by office workers after work. Specific manifestations include: ①In terms of appearance: "班味" manifests in not wearing makeup or wearing very little makeup, with tired eyes and a haggard face; dressing casually in loose clothing, lacking formal or elaborate attire; and potential changes in body shape, such as gaining or losing weight. ②In terms of behavior: After work, one remains in a working state, checking work emails, responding to work messages, lacking energy to participate in activities of interest, and even opening a laptop to work during gatherings with friends and family. Some may even talk about work in their dreams. In terms of psychology and emotions: "班味" also manifests in psychological and emotional exhaustion, such as frequent insomnia due to work pressure, losing patience with friends and family, losing enthusiasm for life, and lacking confidence in future life.
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Lily-Buzzwords/Idioms/Slang-【Lily-中国 Italki Id:8877492 Chinese Tutor】