L2 到达[dá dào]~Arrival
L2 到达[dá dào]~Arrival
5 jul. 2024 15:58
Text: 学生:嗨,Chloe,我刚下了飞机,现在已经到达中国机场了。 Hi Chloe,wǒ gāng xià le fēijī , xiànzài yǐ jīng dàodá zhōngguó jīchǎng le 。 Student: Hi, Chloe, I just got off the plane and I'm already at the Chinese airport. 老师:太好了!你的航班顺利吗?tài hǎo le! nǐ de hángbān shùnlì ma ? Teacher: Great! Did your flight go smoothly? 学生:是的,一切顺利。我现在正在航站楼里,准备提取行李。 shì de,yī qiè shùn lì。wǒ xiànzài zhèngzài hángzhànlóu lǐ , zhǔnbèi tíqǔ xínglǐ 。 Student: Yes, everything was fine. I'm now in the terminal building, preparing to take my luggage. 老师:太棒了!欢迎你来中国!tài bàng le!huānyíng nǐ lái zhōngguó ! Teacher: Wonderful! Welcome to China! 学生:我很开心来中国旅行,谢谢你!wǒ hěn kāixīn lái zhōngguó lǚ xíng , xièxie nǐ ! Student: I'm very happy to travel to China. Thank you! New words 1.到达(dá dào): Arrive/get to/ reach: 2.飞机(fēijī):Plane/airplane 3.机场(jīchǎng):Airport 4.航班(hángbān): Flight 5.顺利(shùn lì ):Smoothly 6.航站楼(hángzhànlóu):Terminal 7.提取行李(tíqǔ xínglǐ):Pick up one's luggage 8.欢迎(huān yíng):Welcome  9.开心(kāi xīn):Happy 10.谢谢(xièxie ):Thank you
Podcast Kanaal
Welcome to visit China ”欢迎来中国!“