Day 18: Shopping
Day 18: Shopping
20 september 2022
SALESPERSON: Can I help you? GLORIA: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater — in a size medium. SALESPERSON: Let’s see … here’s a nice white one. What do you think? GLORIA: I think I’d rather have it in blue. SALESPERSON: OK … here’s blue, in a medium. Would you like to try it on? GLORIA: OK … yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it? SALESPERSON: It’s $50. It will be $53, with tax. GLORIA: Perfect! I’ll take it. LANGUAGE NOTES • Can I help you? or “May I help you?” is what a salesperson normally says to greet a customer. • I’m looking for a here means “I don’t know exactly which one I want.” • Size medium. Clothing usually comes in small, medium and large sizes. Some women’s clothing comes in number sizes, usually ranging from 2 to 16. • Let’s see … An expression used when a person wants to think something over, to make a choice or decision, or to look for something. • I’d rather have it in here means “I don’t like this exact one. I would prefer it in a different” color/size/material, etc. • Would you like to …? is a polite way to ask “Do you want to …?” • Try it on means to test the fit or appearance of a garment by putting it on. “Try on” is a separable phrasal verb, so the object “it” goes between “try” and “on.” • How much is it? means “How much does it cost?” Notice that the main sentence stress falls on “is” in this question. • I’ll take it means “I will buy it.”
Podcast Kanaal
English Conversation practice (30-day challenge)