“Take care ”用中文怎么说?—Improve Chinese with movie clips
“Take care ”用中文怎么说?—Improve Chinese with movie clips
4 juli 2022
Real Life Chinese phrase: “Take care”用中文怎么说? How to say “Take care”in Chinese? bǎo zhòng zhào gù zì jǐ 保重。 = 好好照顾自己。/ 照顾好自己。Take care/Take good care of yourself duō bǎo zhòng 多保重。 take good care of bǎo zhòng shēntǐ 保重身体。 take care of yourself ****Script for your second time listening**** 片段一Clip one A:姐,那我们就走了。你保重啊。 I guess we should go, sis. Take care. B:你们也是。 So do you. 片段二 Clip two A:保重! B:Take care. 片段四Clip four A: 过两天我就走了,你一个人好好照顾自己。 I am leaving in a couple of days.Take care of yourself. B:嗯,你放心吧。 Don’t worry. 片段五Clip five A:以后自己照顾自己了啊。 You need to take care of yourself from now on. B:下了飞机看到妈妈就给我打个电话。 Give me a call once you see your mom at the terminal.
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