25. Nerd+Adult = Nerdult (한국 공감 100% 채널 “너덜트”를 소개합니다!)
25. Nerd+Adult = Nerdult (한국 공감 100% 채널 “너덜트”를 소개합니다!)
9 mei 2022
The very FIRST episode of the YouTube channel on the “그거 봤어?” podcast! “I want to understand what Koreans think and talk about in reality!” I have a solution!😎 First, watch this!! https://www.youtube.com/c/%EB%84%88%EB%8D%9C%ED%8A%B8 This channel shows the real image of Korea that you haven't seen in the drama! You should watch it right NOW!!😄 한국인이라면 반드시 공감하는 영상! 당신을 찐 한국인의 생활로 초대합니다😊
Podcast Kanaal
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