L4 入住酒店[rùzhù jiǔdiàn]-Check in the hotel
L4 入住酒店[rùzhù jiǔdiàn]-Check in the hotel
9 juli 2024
Text 学生:你好,我要入住。 xuésheng:Ní hǎo, wǒ yào rùzhù. Student: Hello, I am checking in. 前台:您好!请问您有预订吗? qián tái:Nín hǎo! Qǐngwèn nín yǒu yùdìng ma? Reception: Hello! Do you have a reservation? 学生:有的,我预订了房间。 xuésheng:Yǒude, wǒ yùdìng le fángjiān. Student: Yes, I reserved a room. 前台:好,请出示您的护照. qián tái:Hǎo , qǐng chūshì nínde hùzhào. Reception: Sure, please show me your passport. 学生:在这里。 xuésheng:zài zhè lǐ. Student: Here it is. 前台:谢谢,请稍等。您的房间在5楼508。这是您的房卡。 qián tái:xièxie,qǐng shāoděng! nínde fángjiān zài 5 lóu 508.zhèshì nínde fángkǎ. Reception: Thanks, please wait a minute. it's on the 5th floor Room 508. This is your room card. 学生:好的,谢谢。 xuésheng:Hǎode, xièxie. Student: All right, thank you. New words: 入住 rù zhù:check in; move into (a house) 房间 fáng jiān:room 出示 chū shì:show; produce; offer 护照 hù zhào:passport 稍等 shāo děng:wait a moment/minute 房卡 fáng kǎ:room card
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