哄堂大笑[hōng táng dà xiào]
哄堂大笑[hōng táng dà xiào]
24 januari 2024
哄堂大笑[hōng táng dà xiào]:roar/house/big/laugh;The people of the whole house burst out [into] laughter. 唐朝 táng cháo:Tang Dynasty. 冯相 féng xiàng: the name of a person 官员 guān yuán:Government official 靴子 xuē zi:boots 同僚 tóng liáo:associate;colleague;fellow-officials 惊奇 jīng qí:wonder; be surprised
Podcast Kanaal
乐读中文 (Lè Dú Zhōngwén) - "Joyful Chinese Stories"