HSK一, Commonly used phrases 2 , Please read after me.
HSK一, Commonly used phrases 2 , Please read after me.
18 maart 2022
Key word and Commonly used phrases, Please read after me. You can record the phrases you read and send it here, I'll correct the pronunciation for you. Follow me ,you will learn more Chinese. Key word: 朋友、名字、飞机、学生、吃、买、猫、茶、写、汉语、书、冷、电影 、读、医 院 Common phrases: 爸爸和妈妈、去火车站、很漂亮、喝杯茶、不客气、看电影 、不认识、 不想说话、在车里、下了很大的雨、在饭馆吃饭、太多了、买水果、 打电话、五岁了
Podcast Kanaal
Merry's voice (HSK一)
Merry ⭐KIDS /ADULTSProfessionele leerkracht