Dear Yeon-jin, This is "-니까"
Dear Yeon-jin, This is "-니까"
7 april 2023
✔If you want to watch this video, go to YOUTUBE link here! 💻 If you watch ‘the glory' on Netflix, you can hear this expression in the first episode. Yeon-jin’s daughter says this. 우리 엄마는 주인공이 아니에요. (My mom is not a leading role) 우리 엄마는 부자니까요.(Because she’s rich) 주인공들은 원래 다 가난하니까.(Because the leading roles have always been poor) You can hear ~~니까 in common. In Korean language, there are several expressions meaning “because”. Some of You may already know about that. The basic thing is “~~이기 때문이에요”, “~이기 때문에” If we replace the lines with ~~이기 때문에, 우리 엄마는 부자이기 때문이에요. 주인공들은 원래 다 가난하기 때문에. But you can also use “~~니까” instead of ~~때문에 우리 엄마는 부자니까요. 주인공들은 원래 다 가난하니까. Here are other samples. 사람이니까 실수할 수 있어요. Because you are a human, you can make a mistake. 더우니까 아이스크림을 먹고 싶어요. Because it’s hot, I want to have an Ice-cream. Don’t forget this. ✔K-Universe 1on1 Class:
Podcast Kanaal
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