Business English vocabulary in sport! - BUSINESS ENGLISH vocabulary and communication lesson
Business English vocabulary in sport! - BUSINESS ENGLISH vocabulary and communication lesson
28 sep. 2024 14:09
There is so much professional Business English vocabulary that we can use at work that originally came from sports! In this podcast we're talking about phrasal verbs, idioms, nouns and verbs that we can take from football, athletics, and the Olympic games, and use at work to improve the way that we communicate in English. So, if you want to express your ideas more clearly in meetings, explain your experience better in job interviews, or make your presentations sound a little more natural and native then hopefully you'll find this episode really useful. Also, if you're taking an IELTS test soon, either the general or academic test, then this is all great vocabulary to take into the exam with you. Especially for the speaking part of the test where informal, natural, and native vocabulary is encouraged!
Podcast Kanaal
Breakout Business English