Job Interview Preparation. Tip 10. How to answer 3 common questions?
Job Interview Preparation. Tip 10. How to answer 3 common questions?
20 februari 2023
In this podcast we'll look into some answers to 3 common questions: 1. How to answer: ‘Tell me a bit about yourself.’ 2. How to answer: ‘What are your weaknesses?’ 3. How to answer: ‘Describe a time you faced a challenge and what steps you took to overcome it.’ Before you'll go further - how would you do it yourself? What will your thinking be while answering? Question One: The interviewer typically isn’t asking you about your weekend here. Take this opportunity to capture and distill the most important things they need to know about you as an employee—your most impactful job, the skills you’d most like to highlight, as well as some of the previous projects you feel showcase your abilities are all great options. Question Two: Avoid responding with something that’s not genuine and communicates inauthenticity—saying something like ‘I work too hard!’ doesn’t come across well. Everyone has weaknesses—it’s how we manage them that’s important and expressing what you’ve already got underway to alter it is the key. QUestion Three: This demands self-reflection and self-examination, focusing on problem solving skills and your attitude to challenges, conflict resolution and how you cope under pressure. Work through the S.T.A.R method if you get a little stuck: first, contextualise the situation for your interviewee by presenting the challenge in a professional manner and explain how it arose in the first place, then explain a little about where you fell in the group in relation to the task at hand. Use some ideas aboe and also prepare your answers as well. At the end of the day - they are 'buying' your personality, not so much how you answer those questions so don't be shy being yourself, it countrs massively! Let me know how I can help you privately in your interview preparations! To Your Success!
Podcast Kanaal
Job Interview Success Tips after 20 thousand hours of coaching experience!