I tried to summarize video lesson about adjective order. Cou you correct please? I didn’t know that adjective has order in sentence. It’s quite strange for me because in Russian we don’t have any order for adjectives. I just say them however I want🙈 so now I should be more aware when I am going to describe something. I’ve learned two rules about order. Rule #1 Opinion before facts For example: beautiful black skirt. Rule #2 General before specific A long wooden table I am not sure I can use this rules while I am speaking because I have to think too much but I believe that after a while I get used to say it correctly intuitively. I hope☺️🤲
24 okt. 2024 03:32
Antwoorden · 5
According to all the Russian speakers who've studied this with me, it's more or less the same as in Russian. That's also true for all other European languages I know about. You shouldn't have to remember anything as it will almost certainly be the same order as it would be in Russian. (If you don't think there is a 'natural' order in Russian, try changing the English order and say it in Russian - it should sound very strange.) For example, try saying these in Russian: A tattered, big, old, green, Mexican, straw hat. A straw, old, big, Mexican, tattered, green hat. One should sound much more natural than the others.
24 okt. 2024 15:38
Yeah, those rules are generally correct. If you learn some collocations, it can help to remember the order. A common combination is size + color: Big red dog Small blue box Tall red flower The material the object is made of has the highest priority (generally)-- the material is a part of the object itself, its essence: size + color + material: Small blue metal box Long red wooden table Floor-length white silk dress You can generalize 'material' to include the place of origin (Italian coffee) or the purpose of the object (wedding dress). Big red Spanish hat Floor-length white wedding dress The opinion adjective will go first--it has more to do with the speaker's opinion/ judgment/ preference, so you can think of it as being closer to the beginning of the sentence and furthest away from the noun: opinion + size + color + material: Exquisite small red wooden box Unremarkable standard-sized white metal door Beautiful long blue velvet cloak I'd say usually, we tend to only use two or three adjectives max, unless it's a very particular case.
24 okt. 2024 04:50
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