阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
Although I don't think it's interesting to go to college, I'm quite envious to see the freshmen who just entered school today.
7 sep. 2024 02:00
Antwoorden · 2
"envious WHEN I see the freshmen" or "jealous OF the freshmen"
9 sep. 2024 18:03
What help do you want from this? It seems like a fully formed sentence, but it may not have the meaning your would like to portray.
9 sep. 2024 14:49
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!
阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
Chinees (Mandarijn), Chinees (Kantonees), Chinees (Hakka), Chinees (Taiwanees), Engels, Japans, Mongools, Oeigoers, Oezbeeks
Taal die wordt geleerd
Chinees (Kantonees), Chinees (Hakka), Chinees (Taiwanees), Engels, Japans, Mongools, Oeigoers, Oezbeeks