Rut Moreno
It is true that learning a language is more than just learning words. It is also necessary to grapple with its contextual elements, i.e., those that allow words to come together and form ideas. That is why today I bring you a brief explanation about the importance of reflexive verbs and the function they serve in Spanish. As you saw in yesterday's post, there are phrases (idioms) that require you to internalize grammatical concepts effectively in order to use them. Reflexive verbs are those that require (always, in some cases, sometimes, in others) the use of a reflexive pronoun before the verb to give a clear meaning to the action. An example of a reflexive verb is "arrepentir" (to regret). It is impossible to use that verb without the use of a reflexive pronoun. It doesn't make sense to write, "María arrepintió de comer chocolate" (María regretted eating chocolate). Instead, it should be written as "María se arrepintió de comer chocolate" (María regretted eating chocolate). Here are examples of other reflexive verbs: olvidar (to forget), divertir (to entertain), peinar (to comb), enojar (to get angry). Would you like to create a sentence using one of these verbs?
Identifica los verbos usados de forma pronominal
Olvidé que tenía una clase
Me divertí mucho ayer
Peino el cabello de los niños
6 ondervraagd
17 jun. 2023 21:02