Les Villain
Hi please help. Bad as you are, you stick around. It means " not matter how bad someone is, you still stay? Please help
28 dec. 2024 11:15
Antwoorden · 5
Thanks sir
29 december 2024
That's the literal meaning. I would interpret it metaphorically as "you may be a pain, but at least I can depend on you". I can't think of any other good use for it because nobody would ever want to express the sentiment: "You are bad, but you stay". It would make sense with neither friend nor foe.
28 december 2024
28 december 2024
Yes this is correct.
28 december 2024
Yes, you're correct! The sentence "Bad as you are, you stick around" means: "No matter how bad (or flawed) you are, you still stay (or remain present)." This suggests that despite someone's negative traits or behavior, they continue to stay in the situation, possibly implying resilience, loyalty, or stubbornness depending on the context.
30 december 2024
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