Solange, girl in love <font size="2">

This is my traduction from a short story. It will be full of errors because I decided don't to use the google traductor, only the old dictionary; so it will heve many grammatical errors. Here two paragraph:

"Solange, <em>girl in love</em>. All the girls <em>lost in front </em>of Solange. No one can compete with her in matter of seduction. The youth of the city just feed only one aspiration: that Solange looked them. They corned others girls, even if were beautifull, full of gracie, and good for loving. To win the heart of Solange, to deserve the light of his eyes: what other thing can be wish in the life?

Solange does not love nobody. She was a tower, a silence, an abyss, a cloud. His family are anxious for that and they recuested for God's love choose one boy and loved. The parish priest exhorted her in that sense. The intendant appealed to the good feeling of her. Nobody more are married, the legions of unmarried woman was worrying. <em>It are feared </em>for the social order..."


31 jan. 2010 15:31
Opmerkingen · 6
<font size="2">

It seemed to me that the text was too long. The next time I will try to reduce the amount of words ;)

The writter is Carlos Drummond de Andrade and the story is called <em>Solange</em>; here is in its original Portuguese language:


</font><font face="Times New Roman"><font size="2">

And here in its traduction to Spanish from which I made the translation:


Thaks again!

5 februari 2010
Yes, it was a little lengthy,  but that is okay! :) It would help if I could see the original story in the original language. What is the title?
4 februari 2010
Is a traduction from a little story by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. I chose it for its short size, but this brought me problems for its understanding in the traduction. I think it was a little large, tell me if it is so.
4 februari 2010
The Solange's disappearance was not explained until now. It is says that in a letter to her family she declared wich for to be the love in potency of all men, could not loved only one men (even if she changed of men successively). She was convinced of her responsibility. She fulfilled the role of a dream that benefited to all in this town. But if it was not so, and nobody understand her ideal devotion to all youth, then she decided disappear for ever, and good bye. But, if it was not so, and nobody understood her ideal devotion to all youth, then she decided disappear for ever, and good bay.
Good bay? It’s ignore where went Solange, but it was so that she become in a mith. A supreme mith and anybody more was loved in the city. The girls became old and died. The church closed the doors, the houses fall in ruins; all in this city was a ruined farm.

4 februari 2010

Thank you for the correction My Lenguaje Tutor!<img alt="" src="http://www.italki.com/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif" />

Well, here I post the final part of the story (very rare story indeed, jeje) I hope that the errors will be less that in the previous part:

That is the previous confusing part:

<em>(The parish priest exhorted her in that sense (that she should find a boy and marry him). The mayor of the town appealed to her good feelings (because in otherwise all men will not marry anymore). The large number of single women was worrying. It was  fearedfor the social order in that city.)</em>

4 februari 2010
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