Types of Music and Importance of Traditional Music vs International Music Music is an essential part of daily life of almost, every second person in the world. People all over the world listen to it and enjoy it whether it be, in alone time, with friends or in the parties. There are many different types of music today. These including; Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classic,Rock N'Roll, Disco and a new kind of music which in not very old and called RAP. Nowadays most people like to listen to Pop, RAP or Hip Hop kind of music. They feel need to listen to music in different circumstances. Like, people who are sad, tend to listen to sad and slow songs, because they feel connected to the story being told in a sad song. Just like that, people tend to listen to the lively music when they are happy. There are some party songs without which, the party seems dull and boring. Not only people feel like listening to music to cater their needs, they also like to convey their message through songs. As we listen to RAP, we feel that there is a message being conveyed in the song. People have made the music on of their primary needs. As we talked about different kinds of music, there is one type which is related to that particular region or country and is being ignored these days. That is called folk or traditional songs. People these days do not like to listen to these types of songs, probably for the lack of beat and enjoyment they feel listening to new types of international songs. I personally do like these new songs, but I also feel great pleasure listening to traditional or folk songs. Traditional music of a region presents the tradition and culture of that particular area. Let's take the example of our Punjabi Bhangra songs. When people listen to it, they feel like dancing the Bhangra which is also a style of dance. Just like that, if we listen to Latin music, we tend to enjoy it and feel the very soul of it. Nowadays some regional music have succeeded to get an international fame. They influence people all over the world. But, all in all, I feel local traditional music is more important that the international music because we find the very foundations of our culture, our society and our norms in traditional songs.
14 okt. 2014 06:22