used with units of measurement to mean one such unit. what does "with"means?
7 dec. 2024 11:41
Antwoorden · 2
In the phrase "used with units of measurement to mean one such unit," the word "with" means "in connection to" or "in association with." So, the sentence means that something is used in association with or alongside units of measurement to represent one unit of that measurement. For example: * "A kilogram" is used with the unit of measurement "kilogram" to mean one kilogram. * "A mile" is used with the unit of measurement "mile" to mean one mile. Does this help?
8 dec. 2024 05:55
WITH has the same meaning in both examples below. WITH=together 1. I walked WITH you. 2. x used WITH units of measurement.
8 dec. 2024 01:20
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