Saddam Hussain
Pakistani TV series "Khuda Aur Muhabat" made me very sad. In this series a person loves a girl so much, and want to marry her, but her father didn't like the person because of his one serious mistake and her father didn't allow his daughter to marry him. The lover did every possible thing to pursue her father but he was strongly stand at his stance. At the end the girl become died and when her lover see her, he also kill his self.
14 feb. 2022 16:04
Correcties · 1
Pakistani TV series "Khuda Aur Muhabat" made me very sad. In this series a person loves a girl so much, and wants to marry her, but her father didn't like the person because of his one serious mistake and her father didn't allow his daughter to marry him. The lover did every possible thing to pursue her father but he was strongly set at his stance. At the end the girl died and when her lover sas her, he also killed himself.
Omg, it sounds so tragic, it is really sad!!!! :( It also reminds me of other similar stories. I guess this kind of plot if quite popular!
14 februari 2022
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