The difference between "I've always loved you" and "I love you"?
4 mei 2011 10:12
Antwoorden · 3
'I've always loved you'. Could possibly mean: * I loved you in the past , I love you in the present and probably I will keep loving you in the future. * I've always loved you till this moment, but I feel like I am starting to hate you. * Why are you doing this to me, I got of my way and have loved you always,isn't that something ?!? 'I love you' has even more connotations not enough to mention them all here : * I have this feeling for you now and it is intense. * Le'ts make love * Change the subject * I am manipulating you with my words * When I look into your eyes, it feels like paradise. * I will pay the bill. xx
5 mei 2011
In this case, because "love" is not continuous, it is the same as: I have always been doing something. I am doing something. There is no special meaning. Standard present and present perfect.
4 mei 2011
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