What does "to talk smack" mean?
1 mei 2012 19:27
Antwoorden · 16
when I see your stupid Turkish ass, I'm going to slap you about like a bitch - :) talking smack - American
1 mei 2012
It's a threatening language while competing or before fights. You try to diminish the other person with awful statements like Craig showed =s I guess it's the same as "trash talk"
1 mei 2012
It is speaking negatively about someone else. I do not agree that it must be to their face. I do not agree that it must be before a fight. It could be- But It also could be without the intent of the person you talked about ever knowing what you said - or not caring either way. It is just negative talking - and with the things said being true or not in a disrespectful way. I know this as a fact. "I heard you have been talking smack about me!" (it has been said that you have spoken in a disrespectful way about me.)
1 mei 2012
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