Difference what are the differences between these words? haughty, arrogant, snobbish and conceited thank you in advance
22 sep. 2012 19:36
Antwoorden · 6
Snobbish you look down on others, they aren't good enough for you Concieted you are full of yourself and think you are the greatest thing ever Haughty you are disdainful of others - i think of this word as being very close to snobbish but I tend to think of it as used for rich or powerful people and snobby is just a "regular" person Arrogrant you are concieted but you are acting overly important
22 september 2012
One good way to work out differences between synonyms is to check the etymology. Here's "arrogant" to start you off: http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=arrogant&searchmode=none
23 september 2012
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