khin maung nyo
what is the meaning of 九牛一毛? What is the meaning of jiu niu yi mao? I understand each word but don't know the meaning of the whole phrase. Nyo
11 okt. 2012 03:41
Antwoorden · 6
九牛一毛= a drop in the bucket or ocean It means that something which is very small that it cannot change anything or make any noticeable diference . It is like a unnecessary things. It is a very small part of whole or a big thing.
11 oktober 2012
九条牛身上的一根毛。比喻极大数量中极微小的数量,不值得一提。(如果有什么疑问,可以问我)(if you have any questions,you can just ask for me..)
11 oktober 2012
九头牛身上的一根毛。指极大数量中极微小的数量,微不足道 for example:这些钱对于他来说只是九牛一毛 means he has a lot of money and this amount for him means nothing
13 oktober 2012
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