"It's funny" vs "It's fun" Is there any difference between them?
11 aug. 2013 13:21
Antwoorden · 6
When your friend makes you laugh, you can say she/he is funny. We use funny who makes you laugh. However, fun means an experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting. By the way, it can be better to use this dictionary http://www.ldoceonline.com/
11 augustus 2013
A very noticeable difference, I think. Fun = enjoyable Funny = comical
11 augustus 2013
They have different meanings. Fun = 好玩 (ie. good play) Funny = 滑稽 (ie. hilarious) In addition, 'fun' can be both a noun and an adjective. 'Funny' is an adjective, and its noun form is 'funniness'.
11 augustus 2013
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