What is the difference between " food" and "a foodstuff"? 1) What is the difference between " food" and "a foodstuff"? 2) What is the "serving" in the following sentence? "The country's Food and Drug Administration, which regulates such matters, has recently decided that if a foodstuff contains more than 6.25 g of soya per serving, manufactures can state on its label that eating soya may reduce the risk of heart disease." Dictionary: foodstuff [ˈfuːdˌstʌf] (Cookery) any material, substance, etc., that can be used as food
20 dec. 2013 18:51
Antwoorden · 7
The difference is very subtle. Food implies something that you eat. Foodstuff is, as the dictionary says, anything that can be used as food. So when the FDA says "foodstuff," they are including raw ingredients like flour and baking soda, and spices like garlic and cumin. These things are questionably "food," since you wouldn't eat any of those things alone. However, people don't use the word "foodstuff" very much, and will often just say "food." A serving is the rough amount of a food that you would eat in one sitting. For example, one serving might be 15 potato chips, one potato, one bottle of juice, etc. It is a very approximate measurement. All packaged food in the United States defines on the label what "one serving" is, and then lists nutrition information for that one serving.
20 december 2013
"foodstuff" is the niche term used to distinguish offd (products) from other manufactured items ... e.g. Crates containing foodstuff are stored separately on cargo ships than crates containing retail goods, electronic goods, textiles, etc.
20 december 2013
Researchers who are studying cheddar cheese, coffee, and tea are experimenting with machines that are able to "smell" (ie: detect odors by analyzing the chemicals in the air near the food. Traditionally, this job is performed by human beings.
20 december 2013
Спасибо, Юлия, может быть и так. :-) :-) :-) Here is another sentence from the text: " Cheddar cheese, coffee, tea researchers are all exploring thee use of electronic noses to rate their foodstuffs."
20 december 2013
Ирина, я не уверена, но у меня есть только одно предположение - Food - готовая еда, готовое блюдо, готовый продукт - foodstuff - материал для приготовления, компонент. При этом любой продукт может быть и тем и другим, например молоко для каши в описании рецепта это foodstuff, а молоко как напиток это food. как то так
20 december 2013
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