Is 'Lee' a boy's name or a girl's name? I'm reading ORT books by Alex Brychta. Though these are picture books, I cannot tell Lee is a girl or boy.
27 jun. 2014 05:40
Antwoorden · 10
Lee is usually a boy's name. But some girls are also named Lee, or Leigh which is pronounced the same way in some places.
27 juni 2014
In the UK, it seems to be similar to the States. If I see the name 'Lee' I presume it's a man. It can also be a girl's name with that spelling, but for a girl it's more likely to be spelt Leigh these days. Some parents also give girls the name Lea, or even Leah, and pronounce it 'Lee', which is very confusing. 'Leah' is a different name - it's a biblical name pronounced "lee-a" or "lay-a".
27 juni 2014
Yes! It is a boy's name or a girl's name. It is one of those names that can be either. Perhaps that is deliberate in that book?
27 juni 2014
Lee appeared in the picture book 'In the Tent', written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta. We just discussed the story this afternoon. I asked four little Chinese boys about their ideas. Their answer was 'Lee is a boy'. That's really fun. Children often observe so carefully.
27 juni 2014
Cooee! I'm Leigh.
27 juni 2014
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