How can I ask someone to repeat his words? When I don't catch someone's words, I just say "what?". Is it a appropriate way to ask someone to repeat his words? Is there a better way, which is also brief but more polite?
7 aug. 2014 22:10
Antwoorden · 11
"What?" is very impolite. It would be far better to say, "I didn't understand everything you said, could you repeat it?" If that is too long, then try, "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"
7 augustus 2014
Simply saying "what?" (depending on tone of voice) may come off as strong, like you are taking offense. You could say "I'm sorry, could you repeat that/ could you say that again/ I didn't catch that/ once more please?" Or any combination of those.
7 augustus 2014
"Say that again, please."
8 augustus 2014
Or just say: "Pardon?"
7 augustus 2014
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