here, 便 means 就.
我 便 先牽著爸爸出門。 = 我 就 先牽著爸爸出門。
就/便 highlights some fact.
for example,
- Tom, go to bed now!
- 我不睡覺,我就不睡覺!我要看電視!
here, 就 highlights that "I dont want to sleep"
but 就 and 便 have some difference
in this example, u can replace 就 with 便.
就 is more powerful than 便
so when we talk, mostly we use 就. 便 is a lighter adv, it is used when we dont express much emotion. for example, 他說完,便走了。
We can say that we can use 就 to replace 便, but we cant use 便 to replace all the 就