Help Yourself With... vs. Help Yourself To... Hi. Could you please explain to me the difference between 'help yourself with' and 'help yourself to'? It would be really helpful if you give some example sentences. Thank you in advance!
17 mei 2015 00:45
Antwoorden · 3
"Help yourself to" means something is freely given to you, but you have to take it yourself. It could be food or drink ("help yourself to some coffee", "help yourself to a bottle of water", etc.) or it could be something else ("help yourself to a newspaper" or "help yourself to a free book"). It's commonly used. "Help yourself with" is not as common. I think it can be used in a "self-help" context. "Help yourself lose weight with our new diet" or "Help yourself overcome anxiety with bio-feedback".
17 mei 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!