I have a question about Ving and Ved? How to distinguish between Ving and Ved? for example: what's happeded? or what's happening? which one is correct ?
1 dec. 2015 06:24
Antwoorden · 3
Sorry - your question is confusing. By using capital V's - I first thought that Ving and Ved were some sort of cartoon characters! A capital is usually only used for a proper name. I then assumed you meant words ending in -ving and -ved. But that didn't fit your example. I finally worked out that your V means verb... -ing is usually a 'present participle' form of the verb. It is used to show that something is continuing to happen. -ed is usually a past tense form. It means that something has happened. I say 'usually' because some verbs are irregular, and don't use that form. So 'what's happened?' means what happened before now. 'what's happening' means 'what is happening now?'. I suggest you do some study on the use of tenses in English - they are quite different to how you describe time in Chinese.
1 december 2015
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