Kate H
I'm currently learning Japanese and was wondering if there was a way to start thinking in Japanese?
24 apr. 2016 07:02
Antwoorden · 3
This goes for other languages too, but it has to be your primary language. You have to understand the language fluently, and speak it every day and only then will you do it.
24 april 2016
learn chinese please , japanese came from chinese ,bealive me.
29 april 2016
I think out a good way to practise foreign language thinking. It is starting to memorise some sentences, remember to say it whenever you can say it in your daily life. Try it every day I believe it will work.
25 april 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!