Please check the description of my job. The descriptions listed below will be used for my resume. Please check and correct these sentenses. 1. Every morning I water and mow the lawn on the green. 2. I remove weeds on the green. 3. I make hollows caused by golf ball flat on the green. 4. I mow long grass and lawn in the golf course. 5. I remove trash and empty trash cans. 6. I clean tools and arrange them in the stock room after finishing work for the day. Thank you! ^^
9 mei 2016 22:48
Antwoorden · 1
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what "the green" is! Are you talking about a field? If so, 1.) Every morning I water and mow the field. 2.) I remove the weeds on the field. 3.) I fix holes caused by golf balls. 4.) I remove trash along with empty trash cans. 5.) I clean the tools and arrange them in the stock room after finishing work for the day. Also, I should let you know that many of these are too short to be called sentences.
10 mei 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!