Gallu Is there a difference between 'Dw i'n gallu' and 'Gallaf i'?
15 mei 2016 07:22
Antwoorden · 4
With the verb "gallu", the inflected form ("gallaf i") seems to be much more commonly used than the verbnoun construction (except, perhaps, amongst learners). The meaning is the same, as far as I can tell. Nowadays the final -f, which is not pronounced, tends to be dropped in writing as well: "Galla i".
15 mei 2016
can anyone open up a teaching profile for this language...? and when they do, to let me know?
28 december 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!