Do we use the article "the" before the word "nature" ? Is "nature" a definite word? Hello I wonder if anyone of you could help me with my problem Should I use "the" before "nature" in this sentence?I go to (the) nature Or I love (the) nature
14 jun. 2016 03:09
Antwoorden · 3
You did not provide a context and either of your examples. However the answer depends on the context in many cases. For example if you ask me what I love most in life I could respond "I love nature". However, if you ask me what I love most about Norway I might respond, "I love the nature" In one case it is a general statement and in the other it is something more specific.
14 juni 2016
If you are using "nature" to mean "Mother Nature", no, you do not put "the" in front of "nature".
14 juni 2016
Hi Mary, If you're asking for those specific sentences, the answers are: I visit nature. I love nature. Hope that helps.
14 juni 2016
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