"yal", meaning? I still haven't found the meaning of this word: "yal". I've seen it in these two phrases: "Que pasó yal?" "Motivando a la yal" I've looked it up in the dictionnary, but I couldn't find anything. So I'm guessing it must be slang?
1 nov. 2008 20:11
Antwoorden · 4
Yal is a Puerto Rican slang to be specific. It’s a women who have no education, no manners, she speaks loud and curses and dresses too provocative and lives in a residential (a ghetto place where low income people with no education live) . Yal is a woman from the streets basically.
18 november 2021
yal" is another hispanic slang word mostly used in South America. It is used in spanish song lyrics like reggaetons and means "girl" or "baby". Esa es mi yal. That's my girl(friend). I googled this and found it in the urban dictionary.
1 november 2008
I haven't heard it in my life, so I guess is slang, but I don't know on what country they use it
1 november 2008
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