How do I pronounce "asap"?
14 jul. 2016 19:59
Antwoorden · 6
I've heard both "ay ess ay pee" and "ay-sap." It's not too common. My advice would be NOT to try to pronounce it at all, but just say "as soon as possible" or "right away."
14 juli 2016
This is a good American style pronunciation:
14 juli 2016
You just sound out the letters separately. So A-S-A-P. Some people will also make it a word and say 'assap'.
14 juli 2016
Thanks a lot for all your answers! It's very helpful!
14 juli 2016
14 juli 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!