at any one time, what´s the exact meaning , please? The sentences says At any one time 3 out of 4 people are on a diet. Does it mean " once in a lifetime at least? Thanks
25 aug. 2016 15:05
Antwoorden · 3
No, it means that on any random week, day or hour three of every four people you meet will be on a diet.
25 augustus 2016
Normally I would say this as: At any given time, three out of four people are on a diet. (This means "at any random time and date you choose".)
26 augustus 2016
No, it means "at any point in time", or "anytime you ask the question of how many people are on a diet". By way of example, imagine there are four people, called A, B, C and D. On Monday, A,B and C are on a diet. On Tuesday, A,B and D are on a diet. On Wednesday, B,C and D are on a diet. On Thursday, A, C and D are on a diet. So each day, different people are on a diet. It is not the same 3 people on a diet all the time. But at whichever point in time you ask the question: "how many people are on a diet?", you always get the answer: 3 out of 4.
25 augustus 2016
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