[Gedeactiveerde gebruiker]
"get OFF OF the bus" or "get OFF the bus"?
7 okt. 2016 01:55
Antwoorden · 7
Both are grammatically correct. I prefer "Get off of the bus""
7 oktober 2016
logically: (get off) [of] {the bus} = get (off the bus) but note: get on the bus = correct get on (of/from/to) the bus = wrong
7 oktober 2016
Both mean the same thing and are grammatically correct but [get off of the bus] sounds better
7 oktober 2016
You could say either but "get off the bus" is much more common.
7 oktober 2016
The standard English form is 'get off'. You get on a bus and you get off a bus. 'Get off of' is a regional variant. It is only used by American English speakers.
7 oktober 2016
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