It was a pleasure playing with you or ...? At the end of a Chess game online with a friend I was confused what to say: It was a pleasure playing with you or It has been a pleasure playing with you!
3 dec. 2016 23:33
Antwoorden · 3
It has been a pleasure playing with you.
4 december 2016
I agree with Michael's answer. However, be aware that a native speaker (at least in America) would almost never say "It's been a pleasure" or "it was a pleasure" because it's very formal. I can imagine a Victorian Englishman saying "it's been a pleasure." But contemporary Americans would use the word "fun," and say something like "It was really fun playing with you." You could also say something like "That was a great game!" Another super subtlety is that "it was a pleasure playing with you" sounds somewhat sexual, because to "play with someone" can mean doing sexual things, and "pleasure" also can have sexual connotations. I would stick with "fun."
4 december 2016
You can say either in this case. I would probably use "was" if the game had finished, and "has been" if the session had finished but we planned to resume the game at another time.
3 december 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!