[Gedeactiveerde gebruiker]
Is this usage still popular? Dialogue from a movie: She: welcome. How may I help you? He: you can start by wiping that fucking dumb-ass smile off your rosy fucking cheeks. She: I really don't care for the way your speaking to me. Question: do you often use I don't care for something to mean you dislike it?
29 jan. 2017 08:07
Antwoorden · 4
It should be: "I really don't care for the way YOU'RE speaking to me". "Your" refers to something that you own, e.g. your house, your dog etc. "You're" is a contraction of two separate words "you" and "are" and, therefore, means "you are". Example: You're an ignorant troll who has nothing better to do with his or her time than to attempt to annoy and insult complete strangers on an otherwise innocent language-learning site. Rather than continue to make a fool of yourself and fritter away your precious time in this way, why don't you grow up, try acting as if you had a brain and doing something constructive with your life?
29 januari 2017
I don't care for 'something', where something could be a person's action, statement or any thing (noun), is a very gentle, polite way of saying that you don't really like something. For example (real examples): - I don't care for squid (actually, I don't like squid, but if you cooked some squid for me, I must be polite) - I don't care for drunk people (I don't like to be in the same room with them) - I don't care for politics (it's a subject I don't like to talk about) Here's a little tip about writing profanity (swear words): I would always abbreviate the bad words and use symbols in the place of the letters in the word: ... wiping that f****** dumb-ass smile off your rosy f******* cheeks. Hope this helps...
29 januari 2017
I never use it, although I don't know why. You'll get more (and better) data, though, by asking how often we *hear* it. I hear it from time to time. People do say it, but not exactly commonly. But your question is eclipsed (obscured, made harder to see and to take seriously) by your copying and pasting of that error involving "you're/your" and by your copying and pasting of what comes off the page as a very violent and nasty line of dialog. I know that in the context of the movie it has a completely different effect. I'm just explaining how it might appear to native English speakers. [I came to this question from your other question. :)]
2 februari 2017
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
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