Max FU
beside or besides? What's the main difference when beside or besides is used in following sentence? - Let's talk beside this topic. - Let's talk besides this topic. Besides, are the two above all right to say?
14 feb. 2017 07:07
Antwoorden · 2
You need 'besides' (with an 's' on the end).
14 februari 2017
They are two different words. 'Beside' means 'next to', as in "He sat down beside me". 'Besides' means 'in addition to', as in 'What are your interests, besides politics?' It's not clear what you're trying to say in your sentence. Do you mean 'Let's talk about something besides this topic'? That's possible, but it would be more natural to say 'Let's talk about something other than this topic'.
14 februari 2017
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