I don't know yet or i haven't known yet? Which sentence is more correctly - i don't know yet when i go to China or i haven't known yet when i go to China?
20 jul. 2017 10:11
Antwoorden · 3
'I don't know yet' would be good as a reply to someone who asks you, 'When are you going to China? Otherwise, sentence 1 should use 'I'm going' to be natural sounding, 'I don't know yet when I'm going to China'
20 juli 2017
In general, we use "yet" in perfect tense. But in your sentence, when we say " i havent known yet", it is not completely correct. I think it should be" i dont know yet when i will go to China" it means i dont know the time
28 juli 2017
I would say "I still don't know when I'm going to China" ;)
20 juli 2017
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
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