Phrase: "It's such a pity!" When native speakers use the phrase: "It's such a pity!" ?
11 okt. 2017 08:40
Antwoorden · 3
When DO native speakers use....? We use it when we are sad, disappointed, and/or sorry about something which has happened. e.g. A: I didn't get the job I applied for. B: What a pity! You must be a bit disappointed.
11 oktober 2017
Thanks, Jerry. "That's a shame" is often used in the UK. "Bummer" - sometimes, esp. by youth. "That's too bad" - I don't hear this but we know it's American and also know the meaning.
11 oktober 2017
I would add that you're more likely to hear British English speakers use this as opposed to Americans. We usually say something like "That's a shame" "That's too bad" or even the slang word " Bummer"
11 oktober 2017
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