「So-so」 = 「まあまあ」 or 「そうそう」? I have heard Japanese respond "so-so" to some questions. A typical situation could be: - "Are you famous?" - "So-so," the singer said. How to say so-so in Japanese?
22 okt. 2017 18:26
Antwoorden · 3
"So-so" would be 「まあまあ」 in Japanese. But 「まあまあ」 on its own could sound a little abrupt. We would say 「まあまあですね」「まあまあです」「まあまあかな」「まあまあだよ」 and so on. - "Are you famous?"- "So-so," the singer said. would be 「あなたは有名なのですか」「まあまあですよ」とその歌手は言った。
22 oktober 2017
If Japanese say "sousou", then it means "yeah right".
23 oktober 2017
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