Different way to say "Boss". Is there different way to say "Boss" in business generally?
24 okt. 2017 22:54
Antwoorden · 14
Head, chief, director, president, principal, chief executive, chair, manager; supervisor, foreman, overseer, controller, authority figure; employer, owner, proprietor; number one, kingpin, bossman, boss lady, top dog, bigwig, big cheese, head honcho, and big kahuna.
24 oktober 2017
Supervisors, managers, directors, If all none of the above apply, you can always refer to your boss as "EMPLOYER"
24 oktober 2017
If you are addressing him directly, it would be Sir, Mr. Smith, Ms. Smith, Chief, Boss (the latter two are somewhat colloquial). Sometimes you can call your boss by his first name, but if you do so, still act like you know he is your boss.
24 oktober 2017
Manager or supervisor (like Lauren said, if they are )
24 oktober 2017
You could refer to your boss as your superior or manager (if they are).
24 oktober 2017
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