Eduardo Baptista
保障 与 保证 的区别? 我不太知道这两个词的差异
16 nov. 2018 02:06
Antwoorden · 4
“保障”和 “保证”的辨析 : 【词目】保障 【拼音】bǎo zhàng 【释义】 1、保护(生命、财产、权利等),使不受侵犯和破坏 示例:保障人身安全;保障公民权利。 2、起保护作用的事物:安全是生产的保障。【词目】保证 【拼音】bǎo zhèng 【释义】 1、担保;担保做到 示例:我们保证提前完成任务。 2、确保既定的要求和标准,不打折扣 示例:保证产品质量;保证科研时间。 3、作为担保的事物 示例:安定团结是我们取得胜利的保证。 例题:填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的是(A) 你将  黄河不出岔子。 A.保证 B. 保障 练习: (1)B.只有坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针,才能  社会主义的文化科学艺术不断发展和繁荣。 (2)身体健康那是幸福生活的有利  . 参考答案:(1)保证 (2)保障
16 november 2018
Hi Edurado Baptista, They both can be used as noun and "verb". When 保障 and 保證 both are used as a verb: 保障 has the meaning of making sure (確保) and something will be protected or prevent (保護,使某事/物不受侵犯和破壞)。For example: 國家法律保障人民的民主權利;危難時刻,政府一定要保障人民的性命。 保證 also has the meaning of making sure (確保). But it also means making sure something will happen/achieved/be done (擔保做到)。For example: 我們保證提前完成任務;我們保證可以到達目的地。 When they both are used as the meaning making sure (確保), you can choose one the use and it wouldn't change the meaning of the sentence. For example: 年輕的戰士用自己的生命保障(保證)了整個戰鬥的勝利。 When they are used as "noun": 保障 means something is going to protect something in a way that's more visualized/imaginable like a wall or a shelter. For example: 因為有了全民健保,我們的健康才有保障。 保證 means something that you're describing is the reason why it's insured. For example: 良好的工作態度是成功的保證。 Hope this would help. I used this website as my reference:
16 november 2018
I think you can look at the different characters to give you a clue as well, to help you remember which is which. 障 is an obstacle, which you could imagine like a wall protecting something from harm. 证 is like a certificate, so an assurance or a promise that the object will be protected. So you can see why they might overlap in meaning, as promising to protect something and protecting it are quite similar.
17 november 2018
保障 means maintaining or making sure something works. 保证 in comparison means making sure.
16 november 2018
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