Sam Thomas
用‘现实’形容人,这个词汇到底是什么意思?是负面的还是正面的? 根据我的词典现实的翻译就是'realistic' ,这就是说有一个很符合实际的态度。英文里面这个翻译是比较正面的。可是我也找到‘money-grubbing; hardheaded; overly concerned with practical things‘(很负面的词汇)的翻译。这个翻译竟然不在我的词典里面。我就有点迷糊。我用这个词汇来形容人,你就会有什么影响?上下文/环境会对具体的意思有关系吗?
22 nov. 2018 01:55
Antwoorden · 10
我同意Heli的说法,"现实" 本身并没有什么贬义或褒义。 如果有人说 "你太过于现实了",那就比较清楚了,是吧。 That means you're too practical, too calculative.
22 november 2018
Hi Sam, I'm Wen. I live in Taiwan so I'll tell you how we Taiwanese use it. When we say someone is realistic, we say they are 實際 [ shí jì ] . For example 我這個人比較實際一點 means I'm a more realistic person. When we say a person is money-grubbing; hardheaded; overly concerned with practical things we say 現實. It usually gives a negative meaning to a person. However the degree of 現實 can vary by the adverb you use to describe it. When the adverb is very gentle, like 比較、一點. It can just mean the fact that that person is 現實 like realistic, not too money-grubbing. If the adverb is 很、蠻、超級. It means that person is really money-grubbing; hardheaded; overly concerned with practical things. Hope this helps!
22 november 2018
It's either neutral or negative depending on the scenario.
23 november 2018
22 november 2018
现实 can be a noun or an adj. When it is a noun, it just means fact, reality. Thus a realistic attitude asks individuals to face the fact or simply to be pragmatic. But when it becomes an adj to describe a person, it is always derogatory; it means a person acts in an extremely selfish way that you cannot trust. There is another term "务实", which is a positive term used to make no misunderstanding no matter you're describing an attitude or a person.
22 november 2018
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